
Leadership Alignment Program

Unite and create alignment in a new or disparate leadership team. Empowering them to accelerate strategic ambitions and collectively achieve goals.


Fully Customisable

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Trusted by leading companies
Skills Covered

What will your team learn?

Refine strategic thinking, define operating rhythms and develop a shared language to discuss issues or concerns.

Define rules
Create a clear set of principles and accountability on how the team/s will operate.
Unite as a team
Agree on ways of working - operating as a collaborative team with a shared language.
Tackle conflict
Be transparent. Make agreements around constraints/conflicts and how to navigate them.
Uniform messaging
Develop a refined and aligned purpose, identity and strategy. Consistently articulate it.
Recognise insights
Understand the value chain of the organisation, and how leaders and teams contribute to it.
Tangible execution plan
Align thinking around agreed actions and key messages. Driving activity.
Steer activity
Understand how to lead themselves, others and the organisation.
Enhance productivity
Build a high-performance culture to maximise synergy and impact. Achieving goals.

Led by our expert trainers

Our rigorously trained facilitators are experienced business people who understand your company’s challenges.

Practical and experiential training
contact us for pricing

Guided dialogues, leadership frameworks and templates are used by expert facilitators to drive impactful outcomes. Leaders work closely between sessions, applying their insights and furthering progress.

Face to face | Tailored to group
Virtual | Tailored to group
Rapidly build alignment
Leadership training

Executives responsible for a refreshed vision or strategic transformation develops the unity need to triumph. They walk away with agreement and accountability for the strategy, guidelines and measures for success established..


How we develop your training

Discovery call
Confidential kickoff call to check our suitability. We share insights and suggestions for your business.
Design stage
We are a fit! Now we craft a suitable development experience to deliver your organisation’s outcomes.
Pre-work and surveys to prepare participants and give vital insights to our facilitators - before the delivery.
Tailored delivery
Bespoke training and follow-up tailored to business contexts/needs. Ensuring ROI for the time invested.
We track feedback and NPS from the delivery and connect with you to review the program’s impact.
Customer Stories

What people say

Hear first-hand experiences of our training from participants and clients across the globe.

Vicki Pafumi iSelect case study headshot
Vicki Pafumi

Chief Financial Officer

iSelect logo
From a development perspective this is a great opportunity that I know will further enhance anyone’s career.
Vicki Lewis Great Southern Bank Case study
Vicki Lewis

Senior Change Manager

Simple and relatable yet provides very actionable and valuable insights. It creates an opportunity for everybody to get involved. It provides enough anonymity for people to say what they need to say, but also be heard and get involved in the plan for improvement.

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