
Jason Tebble

Coach & Facilitator

Jason's coaching philosophy is to provide challenging coaching with care, in a non-directive way that works towards clear outcomes.

Specialist Areas

Over the past 15 years, Jason has delivered a number of development programs to senior leaders and teams from many global organisations such as HSBC, Aviva, Technicolor, Heidrick & Struggles, IMI & Nationwide. His focus has been helping professionals to be the best they can be, not just in their careers but also throughout their personal lives.

In his spare time, Jason also enjoys playing bass, tennis and practising yoga. Having hobbies outside of work has enabled him to become more focused, relaxed and present throughout his day-to-day activities, which serves him well in his coaching and leadership work.

Jason’s deep passion for helping others and unique background among the creative and professional space, makes him a skilled leader and highly effective coach. By building resilience, confidence, creativity, and greater self awareness among his programs, Jason is able to create a safe and trusting environment where participants feel they can get the most out of the experience. It is through this philosophy that he has helped leaders transition into more senior roles and develop high performing teams.

BA (Hons) Economics
Manchester Metropolitan University
ACC Accreditation
International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Coaching Essentials
Pebble Power Coaching
Human Dynamics
Pebble Power Coaching
Mindfulness in Coaching
Segaller Coaching & Training
Leadership Accelerator Program
Leadership Mindset Partners
Influence with Impact
Leadership Mindset Partners
TA101 Training in Transactional Analysis
Rosemary Napper

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