About CJM

Our Alumni Community

We are deeply committed to providing ongoing support to our alumni. They enjoy a rich variety of content and complimentary events to drive ongoing mastery.

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Sustaining learning

Maintain and deepen your learning with ongoing connection points and support.

Alumni benefits

Be the first to know about product updates, industry insights and receive handy discounts.

Worlclass training_award with star

Celebrating success

We love to advocate for alumni. Recognising career achievements and skill development.


Driving long-term success

See the variety of support we provide to our alumni community to sustain learning.

Team-Training_virtual training with Taz

Ongoing events

Once a quarter, we invite all our alumni to attend a complimentary webinar with a CJM facilitator to brush up on their skills and extend their learning.

Live Training_with Tim Chilvers coaching

Lifelong champions

Our facilitators and team love to keep in touch with our alumni and watch with awe as their career progresses. Championing them and providing support along the way.

Community group

We have thriving LinkedIn group – a great place to ask questions, find extra content and leverage the support of fellow alumni.

Delivery methods to suit your business and training requirements

Our deeply practical programs focus on teaching you immediately applicable skills. Our expert facilitators incorporate a broad range of sustained learning tools and techniques into their delivery.


Your top 3 questions answered

How do I access the CJM alumni support?
If you have attended a CJM training program sponsored by your company or purchased one of our training programs for yourself you will be automatically added to our alumni newsletter. To get more regular updates you can request to join our LinkedIn group here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6556073/.
How do I keep up to date with complimentary events?
Look out for an email in your inbox. If you have moved organisation and we may have your old business email, feel free to contact us to update your details. Or join the LinkedIn group to see posts about upcoming events.
How do I update CJM about a recent career achievement?
Congratulations on your success! Our facilitators, coaches, and wider team love to hear about the impact our training has on attendees. If you want to share your success feel free to reach out to our team on LinkedIn or send us an email at support@colinjamesmethod.com.
Alumni Stories

What people say

Hear first-hand experiences of our training from alumni across the globe.

Trevor Gamell

Services Account Executive

You can see the impact when you meet someone and they’re speaking or they have a presentation. They’ve gone through the training. It’s something that you can visibly see and hear and I truly think it’s unlike any other training offered.
Alyssa Yoong_Blackmoores
Alyssa Yoong

Head of Business & Improvements

I think the biggest takeaway is that after you see how well you perform using the method, you can’t revert to the way you were communicating before. That’s a big win.

get in touch

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