
Critter Gilpin

Lead Facilitator, Coach & Head of Global Faculty

Working in the education space helping organisations and individuals achieve key outcomes and positive growth for 18-years.

Specialist Areas

Over the last 18 years, Critter has worked in the education space helping organisations and individuals achieve key outcomes and positive growth. He has remained actively involved in facilitation, training and organisational culture, and holds a wealth of knowledge in sales enablement, behaviour change, storytelling and change management.

Critter has also spent time coaching young professionals in a number of ASX-listed companies, encouraging leaders of tomorrow to challenge their limits and unlock their full potential. He believes that regardless of whether you’re hoping to get a young sales team to adopt a new framework or push a whole business to engage in more impactful communication, curiosity has the power to drive change.

In his spare time, Critter enjoys staying active by surfing and mountain bike riding, both of which allow him to continually apply his high-performance mentality and challenge his own boundaries.

Having Critter on your side is a move towards healthy connections, agile ways of thinking and positive growth for your teams.

M.S. Childhood Education
DiSC Accredited Facilitator & Coach
Cert. IV in Training and Assessment

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Internationally acclaimed speakers, corporate facilitators and coaches guide you through the course.

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