Building Confidence, Building Influence, Leadership

An Introvert’s Guide To Being A More Strategic And Inspiring Leader

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“There are times when a leader must move out ahead of the flock, go off in a new direction, confident that he is leading his people in the right way” – Nelson Mandela

As a world leader and revolutionary, Nelson Mandela had the ability to influence, inspire and lead people through his use of impactful words and his actions, making him one of the most inspirational leaders of all time. But in a modern world full of data, information and influencers, how does one engage strategic leadership and up their game to become a more motivational, more impactful and more inspiring leader?

Some leaders take pride in their ability to motivate and wow a crowd, while others have all the technical know-how it takes to succeed in their industry, but lack the ability to truly motivate and inspire a team without it feeling contrived and forced.

Whether it’s anxiety and nervousness about speaking in front of people, or just a lack of experience in doing so, there are tips and tricks that can be easily implemented to make an impact when speaking to team members, clients, board members or large audiences.

In this article, I break down two easy-to-implement adjustments any leader can make that will help hone their strategic leaderships skills and make them a more inspirational speaker.

Turn on your inner ‘Motivational Speaker’ self

This might come easy to some, but others struggle to come across as enthusiastic because it’s just not who they are as a person or leader. I’m a self confessed introvert, so believe me, this isn’t something that has come naturally to me either.

Looking enthusiastic is a skill that can be learned and there are some techniques that can be taught to help create a sense of energy and passion around how you communicate.

Speak to your audience

People are tired of hyperbolic language and outlandish statements that often come with some leaders’ theatrics. In the context of leadership there are many situations that warrant varying degrees of inspirational communications.

It might be a presentation to the board, a face-to-face pitch to CEOs, a coveted keynote speaking engagement on stage in front of thousands or a regular leadership meetings with the team you manage; despite the setting, you should avoid over-inflated descriptors that sensationalise everything (the types that would have exclamation points after them).

You know the ones – the big statements that use lots of descriptive adverbs like utterly, totally and absolutely – these aren’t necessary when trying to effectively communicate or convey a key message.

Here’s a link to a short video that goes into a little more detail and gives practical examples of what you can do to become a more motivational and inspiring speaker and leader.

I really hope this post can help shift some perceptions around what it takes to be a great leader and effective communicator; and above all I hope it helps leaders channel their enthusiasm and curb their language to become more motivational, inspiring and impactful.

Now that your strategic leadership skills are being honed, why not get some tips on how to manage anxiety, nerves and your confidence with our Four-Step Cheatsheet to Skyrocket Your Confidence? You’ll learn four practical strategies for becoming more confident in business and life.

The Colin James Method® Facilitators train corporate executives to improve their leadership skills with a proven methodology. Our highly trained Facilitators and Coaches are recognised for their experience in their fields and have worked with many individuals and organisations around the world to master the art of communication.

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