David George
case study

David George

Senior Managing Director

Perth, Australia

| Tailored Masterclass

“If you want to evolve, you want to develop, then I can thoroughly recommend it, the training forces that we’ve been on.”

David George, the Senior Managing Director at executive recruitment company Page Executive recently sponsored a two-tailored masterclass for his team of 15 executives.

Reflecting on the experience, he shared, “We're learning a lot, but there wasn't a time where I wasn't having fun and laughing with the facilitators, but also with my team.”  

How did our tailored masterclasses help your executive team with day-to-day work?

David found the masterclasses to be a transformative experience for his team. It encouraged them to step outside their organisation and view it through the lens of a customer. This fresh perspective prompted them to reevaluate their approach. “I think day to day we often get stuck in just doing what's always worked for us. It's given us a chance to step back, look at what we're doing, and challenge ourselves to do things differently, which within an experienced group of individuals, can often be hard.”.

What impact have you seen across the executive team?

The impact was profound, according to David. The program served as a unifying force for a team dispersed across various parts of Australia. It facilitated the exchange of ideas and fostered a culture of collective learning. “It's been incredible. I think it is really bringing this team together as a team that has sat in lots of different parts of Australia and it really helped bring the team together and share ideas and learn together. The experienced people were not always open to change, and I think this program helps you in a safe environment, helps you look at yourself, what you're doing day to day, and challenge the status quo.”

What has been the biggest learning?

The masterclasses prompted David and his team to reevaluate their business from an external standpoint. They were encouraged to contemplate the values and identity of their brand. This shift in perspective was a significant revelation. “Colin himself is not afraid to challenge you and so on and really think about what does your business stand for? What does your brand stand for? It gave us that external viewpoint. What are the customers seeing here? I think that that's the biggest takeaway for us, rather than just doing what page has always done and looking at it from a different angle and going, what does our customer see?”

Did you have concerns and how did you overcome them?

Initially, David and his experienced team had reservations about the masterclasses. They were concerned about being exposed and potentially challenged in ways where they might not have immediate answers. However, as the program progressed, they discovered a safe space for exploration and vulnerability.

What has been your experience working with CJM?

David spoke highly of his experience with The Colin James Method®. He found it to be a nurturing environment where openness and growth were encouraged. “I found through Colin and through Erica, it was this safe environment and we quickly got past that and I just found that enjoyable. Being vulnerable. There was never a dull moment. I touched on the storytelling from Colin. I could listen to him all day, and Erica putting things into practice is fantastic as well. I just think the combination was just good fun.”

Who would you recommend the training to and why?

David wholeheartedly recommends this training to individuals at various stages in their professional journey. He believes it's a valuable resource for those seeking to refine their approach to business. “I would recommend the training to anyone. It's really just trying to identify where you are in the journey with your business. But if you've got experienced people or relatively new people, I think you need to talk to The Colin James Method® about the program they might be able to put together for you. I do think if you want to learn and develop, you want your team to learn and develop, there's no downside. It is a fantastic program. I can't recommend it highly enough. Yeah, it's really down to you and your organisation. If you want to evolve, you want to develop, then I can thoroughly recommend it, the training forces that we've been on.”

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