Daniel Wood Tuppaware Profile picture
case study

Daniel Wood

Vice President Sales & Marketing Asia Pacific

Melbourne, Australia

| Mastering Communication Live

“If you have a message that you need to get across in a clear and concise manner, this course will be very helpful for you.”

Regularly engaging large audiences with the global organisations key messages is part and parcel of Daniel’s role as Managing Director at Tupperware. But without an understanding of how to plan and deliver well, he admits the process was daunting. Since attending the program he feels far more confident with preparation and noticed a significant lift in how his audience responds to his communication.

Why did you decide to attend the course?

Daniel is no stranger to presenting, often communicating to large audiences in his role. But he admits he found it intimidating. With a vast amount of content to convey to around 8,000 sales reps across Australia and New Zealand, it is critical he provides the information in a way that engages and fires up the reps. Without a structured format to follow, nor much confidence in the spotlight, Daniel decided he needed training to ensure this improved. “I found it very difficult having no organising format to be able to get the key messages across and really make sure that the important points hit home.”

What impact has the program had for you?

Managing his preparation time efficiently has been one of the most valuable aspects of the communication training for Daniel so far. In his fast-paced role, he often needs to prepare for various conversations and presentations on the go, which was challenging and stressful. Now he has a simple and practical formula to follow he is ahead of the game and able to prepare engaging content in advance easily. He says his audience now absorbs the messages with ease and remain attentive as he communicates using our framework. “One of the things I became particularly aware of was the lack of questions and interruptions.”

Which key elements have you found the most useful

Learning how to nail the opening is a key element of our methodology. Daniel says he has found this one of the most useful aspects since our training. He admits he was pushed out of his comfort zone being asked to try using a story, a fact or a powerful statistic to kick off his communication, but immediately noticed the positive impact this had on audience engagement. He said “it felt a little bit quirky to start of with”, but the difference starting strong made was clear. “It’s really interesting to see how people just seem to want to receive the content right from the get go. It’s very good to have engaged people who are nodding and want more information.”

Did you have any hesitations about joining the program?

In Daniel’s Role as MD, he says blocking out time away from work to focus on a soft skill was something he put off. “As a result – being a worse communicator for it.” It took awhile for him to see how impactful communication was integral to his role and that he needed to dedicate time to it. “It was really deciding the issue was big enough and really required some focus.”

Who would you recommend the Mastering Communication program to and why?

Daniel recommends the Mastering Communication program to anyone in senior management and sales roles. “If you have a message that you need to get across in a clear and concise manner, this course will be very helpful for you.” Having experienced the benefits for himself, Daniel says Tupperware has already booked more high potential employees on the course and will send more in the near future.

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