Anna Perrone SAP Case Study
case study

Anna Perrone

Service Account Executive

San Francisco, USA

| Mastering The PItch

“I’m now confident in my ability to deliver the information in a very engaging, effective and resonating way with our customers.”

What outcomes did you want to achieve from the training?

“Before The Colin James Method® training, something I really wanted to understand was how I, a young woman, might be able to best relate to older, more senior professionals, as I’m trying to bridge the gap between my current role and the experience that some other people have.”

What were the highlights of The Colin James Method® training?

The Mastering The Pitch course was 2 sessions of 4-hours virtually with our facilitation and coaching team and during the training, there were some key highlights for Anna as an audience member. “It was really engaging how he [Colin] told stories and that is something that -whether it was when I was in that session or thinking about it afterwards – I wanted to bring to my personal practice of how I connected with my customers and how I wanted to deliver different information.”

What was the virtual experience like?

Anna found that even though the training was conducted virtually, she found it very engaging. “He was able to actively engage us and it really shrunk us even though it was 5:30am in the morning in California versus the evening in Australia. It felt like we were all in the same room.”

Did you receive any individual feedback on your delivery?

Anna learned that our team invested time and put a lot of energy and effort into analysing how each participant presented. They took notes on each individual which allowed them to provide personalised feedback on how they could present even stronger. “Some of the specific feedback that Colin James gave me during training was that I needed to match my energy and enthusiasm with stillness and speaking in a lower register and those are areas of refinement that I really appreciated and still try to bring forward to my presentations today.”

What impact has the training had on your career since?

“In that presentation, we were judged not only on our understanding of everything we learned within the SAP Sales Academy, but also our presentation skills. And one of the things that Head of North America Services, Michael Mahoney, mentioned during my capstone was that he really appreciated the use of my Colin James Method training, speaking in threes and using gestures to really engage the audience.” Since completing our training, Anna has had the opportunity to speak with C-level executives at large companies that, prior to the training, she did not think she would connect and resonate with. “I was confident in my ability to deliver the information in a very engaging, effective and resonating way with our customers.”

Would you recommend this training to others?

“I think The Colin James Method® training was one of the strongest training that we received during the SAP Sales Academy.” Anna believes this because our training was tailored to the participants individually. “I think everyone would really benefit from it in terms of being able to connect with their customers virtually, tell engaging stories that bring to life whatever it is that we are speaking to, as well as bring the energy level that is needed, even after hours on Zoom.”

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