Training Video

Learn World-Class Sales Management Skills & Achieve Results

57% of sales teams missed their targets last year*. Create a sales team that nails their targets, with Tim’s key leadership tips in this helpful training video – How To Be A World-Class Sales Leader & Achieve Greater Results.

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Optimise team performance

Lay the foundation so they can reach KPI’s with ease.

inspire teams

Meet expectations easily

Always know how to achieve customer satisfaction.

Connect authentically

Build long term customers

Build trust and get a recurring investment easily each year.

On-demand training video to fit around your schedule. SHORT 12-MINUTE TRAINING

Get three fundamental sales leadership techniques to help you create a successful team in fast-paced, demanding organisations. In this short 12-minute video training facilitator and coach Tim Chilvers shares learnings from his previous roles leading global sales teams in senior banking roles internationally, including as a successful Sales Leader for NAB, to help you become a world-class sales leader.

Download and learn how to:

  • Lay the foundation so they can reach KPI’s with ease. Analyze the strengths of your team and leverage these to optimize performance.
  • Understand and meet customer expectations in a rapidly evolving market.
  • Establish strong, long-term and meaningful relationships with clients through communication.

*Salesforce State of Sales Annual Report 2018

DOWNLOAD your free online training video

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